Every kitchen needs some pantry staples. These may be simple ingredients but it is important to have them on hand for those busy days when you have to get a meal on the table quickly. Dried noodles be it pasta, rice sticks, or soba and some sauces are God sent. A meal can be prepared in minutes using these and whatever vegetables you have in the fridge or freezer.
Goma Dare Soba can be prepared in minutes with soba and goma dare dipping sauce. There is hardly any preparation involved and cooking is minimal. I boiled some sugar snap peas and frozen edamame to complete the meal. It was simple, tasty, and satisfying!
Soba and goma dare dipping sauce can easily be purchased at the Asian grocery stores. I always have a stock of them in my pantry.
I am sending this to Presto Pasta Nights #207 hosted by Ruth at Once Upon A Feast.
Enjoy…..and have a wonderful day! 8)
Mina Joshi says
Wow… your Food looks more like art!! Love the recipe and absolutely love the way you have served it!
Biren says
Aww…Mina, you are so sweet! This is very easy to prepare with all the store bought ingredients but it is BIG on taste. 🙂
Jill Colonna says
Biren, this just looks so amazing. You’re tempting me so much with your gorgeous cuisine. I’m going to have to get to a specialist store and check this out! Thanks for telling us about it.
Biren says
You are most welcomed Jill! Presentation can transform a meal. 🙂
Anncoo says
I really love your presentation. Simple and yet classic 🙂
Belinda @zomppa says
You make everything look so effortlessly elegant!
Pam says
Your food is picture perfect! It looks delicious too! Great sauces for the peas and edamame, love them both!
Nami @ Just One Cookbook says
Love it! Food presentation is beautiful Biren!
Julie M. says
I swear, the next time I’m in Minneapolis visiting my brother, I’m stopping by your house for a meal. Your dishes always make me hungry and this one is no exception. It looks like a perfect weeknight meal.
Biren says
Yes, please do let me know when you are in town. Would love to meet you over tea, coffee, and food. 🙂 I love these easy meals for weeknights. Life gets a little too busy at times and it is great to be able to whip up something in a jiffy.
Lyndsey says
It does look like a piece of art, just stunning! I have everything but the dipping sauce (even the blcak sesame seeds) Of course my Asian store is withing walking distance from my house. The owner’s daughter goes to the school I work at, just saw her today in the clinic. Oops…off track…Okay back to this post. I love these quick noodle meals, I’m sure my daughter would love this.
Biren says
Thanks Lyndsey! You are so fortunate to live within walking distance of an Asian store. The one closest to me is not too far away but it is still a drive especially in the winter and so I do not go as often as I like. You should have noproblems getting the dipping sauce. Of course you can make your own but it is so handy to have it in a bottle for those busy weeknights. I love black sesame seeds as they contrast so nicely with pale and green colored foods. Do give this a try. I think you will like it.
Tanantha @ I Just Love My Apron says
You’re right I have all kind of dried noodles in my pantry! I have frozen edamame kept in my freezer too. I feel like we have similar pantry staples 😀 Your presentation is gorgeous!
Biren says
Dried noodles are so convenient. I cannot imagine life without it. Running to the store now and then with our busy schedules is not an option. I love those frozen edamame. I can eat them simply boiled as snacks. Love their clean, fresh taste. 🙂
torviewtoronto says
beautiful delicious and flavourful
torviewtoronto says
beautiful delicious and flavourful
A little bit of everything says
I don’t think it can get any beautiful than that. Pure perfection
kitchen flavours says
Most times, simple are always the best! Love your beautiful presentation. Have a lovely day!
Zoe says
I love your presentation for this dish. Everything is so perfect.
Nutmeg Nanny says
If I weren’t allergic to sesame I would be all over this!
Blackswan says
What a healthy initiative! That reminds me of my Edamame in the fridge. Mmmm…. I may just have that for my tea 🙂
Sanjeeta kk says
These are totally new ingredients for me, Biren. And I doubt I could ever get it here..the dish looks so very refreshing and delicious.
Biren says
Food blogging does widen our horizons to whats available out there. I am learning daily and trying out some dishes from other blogs. 🙂
Min {Honest Vanilla} says
I love your table setting, makes it so appetizing! Mmm and with edamame, nice way to start a meal too 🙂
Joanne says
I definitely always have noodles on hands for those “just in case” moments! This soba sounds delicious and I love that photo!
Ruth says
Such gorgeous photos! There is nothing like some noodles and some pantry/freezer staples to make the quickest, most wonderful meals. Thanks for sharing with Presto Pasta Nights.
Biren says
Thanks Ruth! You are a wonderful host and it is a pleasure to share with PPN. Can’t imagine life without dried pasta and noodles. It really is a God sent.
kristy says
I have yet tried having soba quite this way. You know, it’s not easy to get the sauce here. Yours look so tempting. lol!
Padhu says
What a beautiful picture,I could not take my eyes off it .
LeQuan says
Biren, I hear ya on having certain pantry staples on hand for those busy, tiring days. As a mother of 2 young ones, believe me that I reach for those staples more than I’d like to some weeks.
You always have such great photography skills, Biren. Even when you’re making a simple meal like this, you have the talents to make it look so darn delicious.. Thanks for introducing me to those sauces, I’ve never had them before.
Jasmine says
that look so classy (: so appealing to appetite (: YUMMY!
tigerfish says
The sesame dipping sauce sounds good! I enjoy soba noodles even in miso soups, topped with edamame and nori seaweed.
Victoria says
Love the presentation, and I agree that dry noodles are an excellent way to throw together a meal when time and other ingredients are short. God bless a fully stocked pantry 🙂
sophia says
I LOVE the utensils you use with the food…very appealing! I find soba to be on the pricey side so usually don’t get that, but now you’ve inspired me to!
Shu han says
I love your utensils! hahaha. I also submitted an entry for ppn and that’s how I found your blog! you can alctually make your own goma dare sauce really easily, I like doing things from scratch so I know what’s gone into it (plus it’s cheaper!) haha.
denise @ bread expectations says
YUM!! Japanese sesame dip is one of my favourite condiments and I do tend to have it in my refrigerator. I even use it as a marinade – the flavour is just so incredibly delicious! Noodles do make wonderfully fast yet satisfying meals. This looks positively lovely, though it is very simple 🙂
Magic of Spice says
What a gorgeous meal and plating…these sauces are something I have not tried but will be looking for them ASAP 😉