We had our first snowfall this past weekend. It was only about an inch but it covered the place and stayed around as the temperature was below freezing. The lakes have a very thin sheet of ice on them but that will soon melt as the weather warms up a little this week. I sure do not mind a brown Thanksgiving especially after the brutal winter we had last year. That said, it is still cold and what better than to do some baking to warm up the house.
When I first saw these Italian Apple Cupcakes over at Anncoo Journal, I knew I had to make them soon. I had never heard of Italian apple cupcakes but I do like the idea of slightly tart apples in each and every bite. These did not disappoint. I made them gluten-free and experimented with buckwheat flour this time. The eggs were swapped out with low fat milk. My first attempt using just buckwheat flour yielded cupcakes that were a little dense and flat. The second time I added a little oat flour and was happy with the results. They puffed up and looked quite pretty. The slightly grayish color contrasted nicely with the green apples. I also liked the nutty flavor of the buckwheat flour.
You can find the original here Anncoo Journal. While you are there, please say “hi” for me and do check out all the other fantastic recipes Ann has on her blog. Ann is a master baker and every time I visit, I find a recipe I would like to try out. I am sure you will too. 🙂
Now, let’s get to the recipe…
These cupcakes taste wonderful warm.
I am sending this to the Desserts with Apples event hosted by Simply.Food. This monthly event and giveaway is the brainchild of Cook Eat Delicious!.
Enjoy…..and have a wonderful day! 8)
Ann@Anncoo Journal says
Hi Biren, I’m waiting for you to post up this lovely recipe before I go to bed 🙂 Your cupcakes version look very pretty and healthy. Really want to try your version with buckwheat flour. Sound so yummy 🙂
Thanks for the mention and have a wonderful day!
Biren says
Thanks Ann! The family really enjoyed the cupcakes and both batches are all gone! I am so glad the second batch turned out well.
Sorry I am a little late with the post. Have a good night’s rest. 🙂
Lyndsey@TheTinySkillet says
Biren, I love Ann’s blog too, she is a fantastic baker and artist.
Your version looks so good. I would love to make something with buckwheat. Can’t wait to try it.
Snow huh? It looks so pretty! We’ve had a beautiful weekend, perfect 82 degrees. Stay warm!
simply.food says
These look delicious and healthy.Please do send them to C.E.D.D Apples event AT simply.food
Patty says
These do look very good Biren! The word Italian really caught my eye in the recipe title. I also love the buckwheat flour, I think you’ve made a nice healthy adaption here. Enjoy your Thanksgiving;-)
Chris says
They do look good and different with buckwheat flour. I should also give this a try. Thanks for sharing.
Jeannie says
I have not tried baking with buckwheat flour before, looks different, is that what gave the muffins that color? Pretty interesting! I love Ann’s blog too and love to drool over her baking photos:D
Biren says
Yes, whole buckwheat flour has a deep grayish color. Some soba has the same color too. It has a nutty flavor and aroma that is quite different. Do give it a try. 🙂
Beverly says
I should also give this a try. Thanks for sharing. I think you’ve made a nice healthy adaption here.
Katherine Martinelli says
I’ve never heard of Italian apple cupcakes either but they look just delicious! I bet the buckwheat gave them a great texture and flavor.
Parsley Sage says
Snowfall…wow. I’m cold just reading that 🙂 These cupcakes sound amazing, perfect for the holidays! By the way, I made your squash/sausage dish and it was incredible! Really brought the ‘fall’ to cayman.
Biren says
There will be more snow to come. Hopefully it won’t be as brutal this year. So glad to hear you enjoyed the squash and sausage dish. Thanks for letting me know. 😀
Angie's Recipes says
Biren, I am totally with you that Ann is a master in baking.
Those buckwheat muffins look seriously delicious, hearty and healthy.
Nami | Just One Cookbook says
I know, I was in shock when I saw the snow picture on your facebook page. We never get snow here (unless we drive 4hrs to the mountains) and I can totally imagine eating this nice warm delicious cupcakes in front of the fire place… It’s amazing to see drastic change of temperature in your area – you had hotter summer and now colder winter than us. Enjoy the 4 seasons, which I totally miss back in Japan. Lovely recipe Biren and Ann! 🙂
rebecca says
fun muffins love the apples inside of them
Joanne says
I love the nutty flavor of buckwheat in baked goods! I bet it goes so nicely with the sweet tart apples!
Carolyn Jung says
I bet the buckwheat gives these muffins an especially nice nutty, hearty, flavor.
Jay says
looks especially tasty..love it..
Tasty Appetite
Janine says
i love baking with buckwheat and this sounds fantastic – just curious though – there are two portions of buckwheat in your recipe but they have different weights? is it a typo or?
Biren says
That was a typo! I have removed the first buckwheat flour. Sorry about that! I usually use cup measurements but for the benefit of my overseas readers, I try to weigh the ingredients and provide the measurements in metric as well. I accidentally added the buckwheat flour again instead of just putting them in parenthesis. Thanks for pointing it out.
Kitchen Belleicious says
YUM! YUM !YUM. Now I know what I can make for my in-laws for breakfast tomorrow and the weekend. They look irresistible.
Zoe says
Biren, This is fantastic! I can always rely on you for great GF cake recipes!
Cheah says
I too agree with you that Ann is a fantastic baker. I made these too but made a bigger cake instead of cupcakes….. taste great!
singapore shiok says
I think the colour of these cupcakes is beautiful Biren – they look so autumnal, which is my favourite season (maybe because I am an October baby?) I LOVE that there is no egg here and if I tried this recipe, I’ll probably play around with the flour types as I have all kinds of flours and grains in my cupboard, from my unending bread experiments lol I saw some beautiful golden delicious apples yesterday, so I might use half those and half granny smiths. Couldn’t agree more about Ann – her baking talents are truly amazing!
Biren says
Me too…I have all kinds of flour in my pantry because of the gluten-free baking. Buckwheat and oat flour are two of my favorites. I think the color is rather unique. 🙂 BTW, in my first try I actually used MN Honeycrisp apples as I had quite a few lying around. Golden delicious would be nice too.
elisabeth@foodandthrift says
OK, Biren-Now, you’ve really taken these amazing little cupcakes around a “world tour” Buckwheat? which in Italian means: Grano Saraceno, and Italians, have no clue of what buckwheat is? Ha, ha!
That’s a good one! First, Ann posted (by the way, her blog is lovely, and I will say hi to her later)…Italian apple cupcakes, made by an Italian chef, posted in a Chinese magazine! What’s up with that!?
What I’m finally trying to say, is you’re genius version took it a huge step further, and introduced these wonderful apple cupcakes, with buckwheat flour, so tasty, healthy, and perfectly re-created by you, and Ann…both, deserve and honorary ribbon!…next, I will introduce it further to the Italians, on my side…they’re still focusing on how to make American pancakes! (I’m in trouble, now!)
Biren says
A cupcake world tour? LOL! I hope I did it justice. I am glad you think it deserves an honorary ribbon. Thank you my friend. 🙂
Magic of Spice says
I have never heard of guar gum, or at least never run across it. This is such a unique recipe and so beautiful…I love buckwheat 🙂