This comforting Teh Halia (Ginger Tea) with condensed milk will surely warm you up on chilly days. The ginger flavor can be as light or strong as desired.
I am so glad it’s Friday and the weekend is here! This has been a crazy week, schedule-wise. There were so many activities we had to rush through dinner almost every evening. On top of that, I sprained my right wrist last week, slowing me down considerably. Although it did not hurt too badly, it took me twice as long to get things done. I had to rely on my left hand to do the lifting. Ironing, sweeping, and opening jars and cans took so much effort. It will probably take a few more weeks, if not months for it to work properly again…sigh!
Drop-Down Menu
Although I am not able to cook as usual, I can punch away at the keyboard. I decided to embark on a much needed modification of the menuing system on this blog. I have always wanted a drop-down menu for each of the pages (top level) and categories (bottom level) you see on my header above. With a drop-down menu, sub-categories can be listed for better access to “older” recipes. A pictorial style access to the recipes grouped by the popular holidays and cuisine featured on this blog would also be nice as there are currently over 300 recipes here.
It was challenging to say the least, as my Wordpress theme does not support drop-down menus. Instead of changing the theme or use a plugin, I modified the codes for better performance. While I was at it, I added a floating sharing bar on the left so that you can share your favorite recipes with family and friends. At the bottom of each post, you will now see a list of related recipes with thumbnails. I hope you find the new menu and features useful.
After the coding, I had to go back to each post to properly categorize them. It was a lot of work and I was totally engrossed. I drank a lot of tea while sitting at the computer. The tea warms me up and keeps me going. This Teh Halia (Ginger Tea) is especially warming on chilly days. The longer the ginger is boiled in the water, the stronger the flavor. If you like it frothy, you can do it teh tarik style by “pulling” the tea or pouring it from one mug to the other as explained in my Vadai and Teh Tarik post. The cheat mode is to use the immersion blender or frother. 🙂
Tools Used in Making This Teh Halia (Ginger Tea)
This post contains affiliate links. Please read my disclosure policy here.
Cuisinart Professional Stainless Saucepan with Cover, 3-Quart, Stainless Steel
Stainless Steel Fine Mesh Skimmer for Skimming Grease and Foam

Teh Halia (Ginger Tea)
- 2 inch ginger (2oz/60g)
- 3 cups water (720ml)
- 3 orange pekeo tea bags or choice of black tea
- 3 tbsp condensed milk or to taste
- Peel ginger and smash it with a kitchen mallet. Place it in a saucepan together with water. Bring water to a boil, reduce heat to medium low, and allow it to simmer for 10 minutes. Turn off heat and remove ginger. Steep teabags in the hot water for 5 minutes. Remove teabags and stir in condensed milk. Serve immediately.
This sweet Teh Halia (Ginger Tea) is delicious with some cream crackers and kaya or coconut egg jam. That’s a recipe for another post. For now, I have to settle for store bought lemon curd.
And now for the winner of My Memories Suite v3 Software…
The person was randomly selected by and she is commenter number 9, Marsha of The Harried Cook! Congratulations Marsha! I hope you enjoy using the software as much as I do. I will forward the promo code to you as soon as the good people at MyMemories send it to me. A big THANK YOU to MyMemories for their generosity!
Thank you all for your participation. If anyone would like to purchase the software, please use my code STMMMS9493 to get a $10 discount for the software at My Memories Suite and another $10 discount for use at MyMemories Store.
Enjoy…..and have a wonderful day! 😎
Shannon | JustAsDelish says
i love this ginger tea too and nice with crackers! but my favourite is just boiling ginger and sugar, without tea – chinese style.. to expel wind & indigestion 🙂
Biren says
Love those cream crackers. So glad to find the Hup Seng ones here in Minnesota.
Marsha @ The Harried Cook says
Wow! This is the first giveaway I’ve won! 🙂 🙂 Very excited! Thank you, Biren and MyMemories! Ginger tea is a very popular thing in India as well… Most of family loves it!! I love that you make it with condensed milk! Yummy… The pictures are beautiful, Biren! Thanks again 🙂
Biren says
Congrats Marsha! The software is quite fun to use. I hope you enjoy it. Ginger tea is very popular at the Indian food stalls in Malaysia. The tea is normally pulled to make it frothy.
Curry and Comfort says
Now this is the way my parents love their tea. 🙂 Well done. Have a great weekend. Hope you dropped by my 2-8 post and collected your award. 🙂
Biren says
Sorry Ramona for the delay. Been so bury. Will hop over now. Thank you once again for the awards. 🙂
Ann@Anncoo Journal says
Hi Biren,
I love ginger tea and had made ginger ice cream before.
Please take care of yourself and have a good rest. Stay away from the PC on the weekend.
Biren says
Yes, I have also made ginger tea ice cream and it was delicious!
Thank you my friend for your concern. It is much appreciated. I really do need to stay away from the computer.
Angie@Angie's Recipes says
I would love one cup now! Yes, with cream crackers..
Mari @ Mari's Cakes says
Ginger tea is my favorite! Wish I had a cup right now. Cheers.
tigerfish says
Surprisingly, I never had Teh Halia before! :O But it sure sounds not too difficult to brew it.
Hope you are feeling better now.
Blackswan says
You’ve got my hubby’s fave drink, Biren! Hey, your drop-down menu is really cool & you’ve 300 recipes here?? Impressive. I’m not using Wordpress but Blogger. Will try to find time to do it, been delaying for so long…..
Lyn says
I’m so sorry to hear about your injured wrist and wish you a speedy recovering so that we can see more of the yummy dishes you cook! 🙂
I totally love your new layouts and those following teacups are so cute!
I tried teh halia once that was few years back when my hubby introduced to me and although I like the nice aroma of the ginger tea (yes, I LOVE GINGER!) I find that it tasted a little weird, maybe certain ingredients was a little too much but I can’t really describe. Maybe I should give it a try again using your recipe. 😉
Happy weekend and hope you’re feeling better now. 🙂
PolaM says
Sorry about the wrist, but great job on the website! Hope your hand gets back to normal soon!
kitchen flavours says
We love teh halia! And congratulations to the winner!
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Magic of Spice says
What a lovely tea, and your drop down menu looks fantastic! Sorry about your wrist though, hope you are feeling better 🙂
And congratulations to Marsha 🙂
Nami | Just One Cookbook says
Biren, I totally understand your struggle. When I had carpal tunnel surgery, I was so frustrated!! I still remember how fortunate to be able to wash my hair with both hands and hold the frying pan with one hand while cooking. Pray for your fast recovery Biren!
This ginger tea sounds great for my throat… yeah actually I’m still sick with cough!! I can’t believe it myself… I don’t have condense milk right now but as soon as I get it. I’m drinking this. Thanks for the recipe especially for me… =D
vianney says
hope you feel better soon! I spotted this tea on pinterest, yummy! Congrats on the drop down menu, looka great!
Pam says
The tea sounds soothing and excellent! You have been one busy lady! Good job with your blog. You have organized it perfectly! Here’s wishing a speedy recovery for your wrist!
mjskit says
I’m making this tea in the morning for sure!